4th International Seminar RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY (RKS)
Tradition and Modernity. Religion in Contemporary Dynamics
21-23 June, 2018, Vatra-Dornei (Romania)
The International Seminar TRADITION and MODERNITY. Religion in Contemporary Dynamics aims to offer an aware analysis of religion in view of the tension between tradition, modernity and the challenges that derive from this tension. It is more than obvious that the society of the 21st century is a global one; that one may speak about a cultural-economical architecture that impresses dynamic vectors upon all the aspects of social life. For this reason, one of the most present social realities of today is represented by transformation. The climates and the cultural conditions are changing, the symbol structures that accompany them, are changing as well. Religion as a segment of society, with a very important part in its configuration makes no exception from this dynamics of change, of transformation. Today one aims for a re-definition, in new terms, of the traditional religion in order to satisfy the needs of the nowadays man. One considers that all that is traditional is obsolete and may not be applied today. But, invalidating consecrated traditional religious values does not represent a risk of the alienation of man regarding the normality and the sense of his existence? What is the constructive dimension of tradition in relation to modernity? Is there a real tension between tradition and modernity? What are the challenges for religion in the tension between tradition and modernity? And many other questions constitute the argument for a re-evaluation of the discussed issue. The seminar aims to have an inter- and transdisciplinary character.
- tradition and modernity: theological, philosophical and cultural perspectives
- traditional religious values and secular mentality
- religion and political ideology: critical remarks
- religion and globalization: challenges and opportunities
- religion, science, philosophy: new research trends in 21st century
Scientific committee
Teodosie PETRESCU - “Ovidius” University of ConstanÈ›a (Romania)
Costel MITU - “Ovidius” University of ConstanÈ›a (Romania)
John FARINA - “George Mason” University (USA)
Nicolae ACHIMESCU - University of Bucharest (Romania)
Katarína VALCOVA - University of Zilina (Slovakia)
William SAUNDERS - Catholic University of America (USA)
Sergei NIZHNIKOV - Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Russia)
Jove Jim S. AGUAS - University of Santo Tomas/PNPRS (Philippines)
Edward ALAM - Notre Dame University (Lebanon)
Nicu GAVRILUȚĂ - “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi (Romania)
Michal VALCO - Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovakia)
Alexander CHIRILA - Webster University (Thailand)
George BONDOR - “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi (Romania)
Suleiman MOHAMED - Beni Suef University (Egypt)
Vladimir BELOV - Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Russia)
Abdul RASHID - University of Karachi (Pakistan)
Mendo Castro HENRIQUES - Catholic University (Portugal)
Dan Gabriel SÎMBOTIN - Romanian Academy, IaÈ™i Branch (Romania)
K. R. RAJANI - Andhra University (India)
Peter DRAG - Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow (Poland)
Polina ANANCHENKOVA - Academy of Labour and Social Relations (Russia)
Laurențiu GHEORGHE - University of Bucharest (Romania)
Eva LELAKOVA - University of Zilina (Slovakia)
Ioan DURA - “Ovidius” University of ConstanÈ›a (Romania)
Organizing Institution
Faculty of Theology - “Ovidius” University of ConstanÈ›a (Romania)
Organizing Committee
Teodosie PETRESCU - “Ovidius” University of ConstanÈ›a (Romania)
Costel MITU - “Ovidius” University of ConstanÈ›a (Romania)
DănuÈ› POPOVICI - “Ovidius” University of ConstanÈ›a (Romania)
Adrian VASILE - “Ovidius” University of ConstanÈ›a (Romania)
Bogdan CHIRILUȚĂ - Archiepiscopate of Tomis (Romania)
Florina HARIGA - “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi (Romania)
Florin SPANACHE - “Ovidius” University of ConstanÈ›a (Romania)
Ioan DURA - “Ovidius” University of ConstanÈ›a (Romania)
Marina Roxana CREÈšU - "Sf. Ioan cel Nou" Kindergarden (Romania)
Andrei IANOVICI - “Ovidius” University of ConstanÈ›a (Romania)
Valentin ÈšARCÄ‚ - “Ovidius” University of ConstanÈ›a (Romania)
Nicolae MOROȘAN - “Ovidius” University of ConstanÈ›a (Romania)
Emanuel ANTONE - “Ovidius” University of ConstanÈ›a (Romania)
Carmen MANOLE - “Ovidius” University of ConstanÈ›a (Romania)
Alina Mihaela HAGEA - “Ovidius” University of ConstanÈ›a (Romania)
Programme & Photos