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conferences & seminars

Religion, Knowledge, Society (RKS) is an annual/biannual academic event, conference and seminar, with international and national editions, that intend to be a forum of academic debates regarding the relation between religion, knowledge, society, philosophy in a trans-disciplinary method.

This scientific conferences and seminars are organized by Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanța (Romania). 

Each edition of RKS, conference and seminar, is addressed to professors, researchers, PhD students.

10th edition of international conference RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY

Homo religiosus & homo technicus: discontinuities or congruencies?

June 20-21, 2024             Constanța (Romania)

Homo religiosus and homo technicus define two contextual paradigms of man in the course of history: man who lives in the religious horizon, a constant of his existence, and man who coordinates his life in the quotidian references of technological development. In essence, his life is strongly impacted by new technologies. The same man in the same society, but a society in constant transformation in all its aspects.

The conference intends a multilateral approach to the relationship between the religious dimension of man and the techno-scientific conditions of quotidian life. What is the relationship between homo religiosus and homo technicus and what are the perspectives of this relationship? Does current scientific development invalidate religious truth? What are the challenges of new technologies, especially artificial intelligence, for religious and ethical integrity?


  • Homo religiosus and homo technicus - definitions, interpretations, contextualizations.

  • The validity of religious truth and new technologies: antagonism or congruence?

  • The impact of new technologies on man from a theological, ethical, philosophical and psychological perspectives.


9th edition of international seminar RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY

Reality and Virtual Space. Philosophical and Theological Approaches

June 23-26, 2024             Vatra-Dornei (Romania)

The human is a self-aware being who, throughout life, is in the process of understanding and knowing himself. He seeks to understand himself in relation to reality, to what it means to him. The interpretation of reality, in its philosophical, theological, cultural and scientific variations, has projected a multitude of positions on what the content of reality is, what qualifies something as real or imaginary.

In a general formulation, the concept of reality encompasses everything that exists in concrete terms. However, in recent decades, a new type of reality, namely virtual reality, has entered the conceptual field on the basis of new technological developments. In essence, virtual reality is a new form of human experience. Unlike traditional theatre and film, which position the human as a passive spectator of an external performance, virtual reality places the “user” within the scene, becoming an active participant.

More than that, we have to recognize the context of the world we live in: a highly technologically developed society, where the inflation of images, of information transmission through new technological communication channels, the projection of the self in the online spaces of social platforms, risks substantially reshaping our perception of concrete reality. We risk making the virtual, the online, the artificially screened reality on the computer, laptop or phone an everyday purpose in itself in the trend of consumption.

The seminar proposes a double analysis, theological and philosophical, on the meaning of physical reality and virtual reality, seeking answers to questions such as: What makes something real or virtual? How real is virtual reality? What are the ethical norms in the use of new technologies?

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